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Maddie Sanford


"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.".

― Eleanor Roosevelt.

Madeline Clark Sanford (Maddie) graduated from Appalachian State University with a degree in history. She loves books and history and all kinds of creative things from knitting and sewing to painting! Her favorite type of art is visual journaling, or mixed media art journaling. Maddie joined Delightful Art Co. in 2022 teaching Paint Your Way Through Medieval History. She now teaches Paint Your Way Through American History and Nature Journaling, as well.


Maddie originally set out to become a professional dancer, but had to change plans due to a foot injury. That brought her to Appalachian State where she met James Sanford (Courtney's oldest son) in an honors class on breaking German codes during WWII. She handed James a code after class one day, and when he solved it, he had her phone number! (He says it was a pretty difficult code to break!)


Maddie and James live in Pittsboro, N.C., where James is in dental school. James is in the Air Force, so they will go wherever they are sent after he graduates. (Fortunately, Maddie can teach for the Delightful Art Co. from anywhere...maybe they'll meet some of our students in Hawaii and Japan someday!)


In August of 2023 she began the delightful challenge of getting a selfie with as much art from the art history class as she could. (See some of her art selfies below. The full set, if you want to join the challenge is on the FB group, Marvelous to Behold Fan Club.)


Maddie loves going to New York to see the latest musicals and art museums, visiting Boone, NC with friends, and spending time wither her giant poodle-sheepdog, Arthur.



Delightful Art Co.

Online Art School for ages 7 to Adult​


Copyright 2024 Delightful Art Co.

All Rights Reserved

Our mission is to be a light in the world of art through arts-integrated online classes, curriculum, and retreats for homeschoolers.

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

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