In this live, online art class, students learn drawing, watercolor, and acrylic painting skills as they learn about ancient Egypt, Old Testament Times, Ancient Greece, and Rome.
This class enhances any ancient history study, especially:
Classical Conversations Cycle 1 History
IEW (Use the text for Key Word Outlines & Writing)
Story of the World Vol. 1
Beautiful Feet Ancient History Pack
Tapestry of Grace Year 1
1 hour class
Meets weekly for 12 weeks per semester
Mondays 1:00pm EST. FULL
Wednesdays 1:00pm EST. FULL
Thursdays 2:00pm EST
Friday 8:00am Eastern Time
$295 per semester*
$550 for the full year*
Pay for the full year and save!​
*These prices include the registration fee.
Registration fee is non-refundable. Please see the FAQ page for our refund policy.
Class Calendar for Mon. Wed. lasses:
Fall Semester:
Start: week of Sep. 9
Breaks: week of Oct. 7 and week of Nov. 11
Last class: week of Dec. 9
Spring Semester:
Start: Week of Jan. 13
Breaks: week of Feb. 10 & Week of Mar 17
Last class: week of April 14
Fall Semester:
START: September 19
BREAK: Thanksgiving Day Nov. 28
Last Class: December 12
Spring Semester:
Start: Week of Jan. 13
Breaks: week of Feb. 10 & Week of Mar 17
Last class: week of April 14
Drawing and shading with pencil
Using blending tools
Drawing and shading with pens
Acrylic Painting
Mixing colors
Cut paper​
Draw and shade basic shapes
Composition Stratagies
Art Skills
Class begins with a 15 minute history lesson that will get your student excited about the interesting people and events of the past. Students learn and practice one art skill, then use that skill to created a piece of art related to the history topic.
You'll receive a syllabus with a list of topics for each week and recommended reading. Many books are from Beautiful Feet Books, or available at your library. Readings will be optional.

Here's what people are saying about these classes:
"My daughter LOVES Ms Maddie!"
"This art class is fun! The teachers are really kind."
"I always like the end product."
From Parents:
"The instructors are super encouraging and do a great job of building value in each student’s contributions to the study of “art.” Neither of my children are natural artists, but they sure do feel more accomplished by the end of each class. The confidence boost is an added bonus. The girls are learning useful foundational skills that can be and are being applied to areas outside of class. The parent communication and class organization of each instructor is clear and easy to follow. The reading pace and selection of the books pair nicely with the Foundations cycle. We’ll be back again next year! "
Note: Alyssa Strauss and Courtney Sanford will be teaching this class on Thursdays.

NEW: The Art of Ancient History isn't required for the class, but it's really helpful. All the handouts are in the book and a history paragraph or two for each lesson.
Click the image for details.

Recommended reading and listening list:
Sample Projects:
Lessons 1-8 Ancient Egypt
Lessons 9-12 Old Testament Stories
Lessons 13-16 Ancient Greece
Lessons 17-20 Ancient Rome
Lessons 20-24 Ancient Americas (Aztec, Mayan, etc.)

Supply List
Supply List
Art Journal: 9x12 or 8.5x11 inches. Make sure it is bound on the side, not the top. It can be either hardbound or spiral-bound. Brand does not matter, but here’s what I use:
Black Permanent Markers: Fine and Ultra-fine (Any brand). Make sure one is a regular Sharpie so we’re sure it doesn’t bleed when painted over with watercolor
Drawing Pencils: A #2 pencil you already have will work fine. If you’re really into art, you could pick out a set that has a variety of hardness types.
Blending tools and Erasers: Pencil sets sometimes include erasers and blending tools, so you only need to purchase blending tools if you don’t get a set that has them.
Watercolor Palette: A beginner set of dry watercolors is fine to start out with. Watercolors in tubes last a very long time and have vibrant colors.
Colored Pencils: Any type.
Acrylic Paints: 4 oz tubes of Titanium White, Black, Quinacridone Magenta, Pthalo Blue, and Cadmium Yellow. Exact color names vary by brand, so if you can’t find those exactly you may find them referred to as Primary Yellow, Primary Magenta, and Primary Blue. Make sure you buy the acrylic paint that is from the art section of the store rather than the craft section. You can find these in a variety of places. Micheals carries Liquitex Basics and Artist’s Loft (buy whichever is on sale!) and I’ve seen the correct colors at Walmart as well in another brand. (The small inexpensive acrylic paint in cylindrical tubes that usually costs $2 or less, ie Folkart or Apple Barrel, is great for crafting, but isn’t quite thick enough for color mixing and painting on the page.)
Paint Brushes: A set that includes a variety is great. Look for a ¾ or 1 inch flat brush, a medium size round brush, and a small round brush, as we use those the most!
Plastic Plate (for use as a paint palette): I use a disposable plastic plate as a palette, as it gives us lots or room to mix paints, and you can store it in a gallon ziploc bag to preserve wet paint. You’ll also need something to rinse your brushes in, like an old pasta sauce jar.
Construction Paper: A small variety pack. Cardstock also works and gives a cleaner look, though it's more difficult to fold. Scrapbook paper works really well.
Scissors: any type, but make sure they will cut nicely. (Some child-safe scissors are too loose to cut a shape they want.)
Glue: A glue stick or school glue, whichever you have around the house will work!
Crayons (Second Semester Only) Make sure the crayons are NOT washable. (We will do crayon resist with watercolor, and the washable crayons don’t resist.)
Same supply list, but in PDF form: